Bioengineering Group
University of Genova


The Bioengineering Group consists of about 35 research fellows including permanent staff, post-docs and PhD students

The group benefits from being part of the Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering, (DIBRIS) of the University of Genova, a multidisciplinary department with strong backgrounds in the disciplines related to computer science, system and control engineering, and bioengineering. It offers Bachelor programs in Biomedical Engineering, Computer science and Informatics; Master programs in Bioengineering, Systems Engineering, Computer Science and Robotics; PhD programs in Bioengineering and Robotics, Computer science and System Engineering.

The Bioengineering Group is organized in four Working Groups that are mainly focused on four areas, characterized by a high level of multidisciplinarity and complementarity:

Neuroengineering and Neurotechnologies: study of the nervous system at several levels, from genes to neurons up to behavioral and cognitive mechanisms, both in normal conditions and in pathologic conditions, also by definition of models and the design of artificial systems.

Medical and health informatics: development and use of statistical and informatics methods for the analysis, management and reuse of biomedical data, supported by standards, for applications to research for health, knowledge extraction and decision support.

Cellular and tissue engineering: development of methods and techniques at micro and nano levels for biology and medicine, both from diagnosis and therapy point of view.

Interaction, Rehabilitation & Neurosensory Engineering: study and development of methods for man-machine interaction, intelligent systems, multi-modal interactive systems, and serious games.

The Bioengineering Group also carries out its research activities in strict collaboration with the local healthcare facilities. This led to the creation of two joint laboratories where activities are carried out in collaboration with the hosting institutions and their clinicians:
  • "3Tesla Functional Imaging Laboratory" (LIFT) located at the "Giannina Gaslini" Hospital IRCCS in Genova

Three additional joint-labs completes the active research cooperation in the field of Bioengineering and related technologies: